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Welcome to Hebraic Heritage Radio! Study the Bible Through Hebrew eyes!

Eddie Chumney is the founder of Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int’l. Eddie is a leading national and international speaker on the Hebraic Roots of Christianity. He is recognized as one of the most brilliant scholars in Hebraic studies you will ever hear. He inspires and motivates believers to more intense and devoted study of the Word of God like few men can do.A quiet awakening is happening as hundreds of thousands of Christians worldwide are returning to the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith.

Listen in as Eddie Chumney teaches on Hebraic Heritage Radio about the Hebrew roots of our Christian faith.  Listen to a LIVE 25 minute teaching at the top of every hour. A NEW teaching airs each weekday, Monday through Friday.

You will find this radio station to be unique!  There is a beautiful balance and blend between 25 minutes of teaching and 25 minutes of heavenly worship! Hebraic Heritage radio features:

* Monday-Friday, at 5 minutes after the top of each hour, a 25 minute teaching by Eddie Chumney. A new 25 minute teaching is posted each weekday. Listen on your own schedule. Did you miss the teaching at 2:05pm? Listen at 3:05pm! This is a comprehensive one year program of step by step discipleship. Listen each day for 25 minutes, and in one year complete the discipleship program!

*Monday-Friday, at 35 minutes past the hour, 25 minutes of heavenly and uplifting messianic music! Artists include: Lenny and Varda, Michael Ben David, Joel Chernoff, Paul Wilbur, Shlomo Carlebach, Hillson, Chassidic Songs, Jimmie Black, and many more!

The purpose of Hebraic Heritage Radio is to educate, equip, and train believers in Yeshua as Messiah in the rich Hebraic Heritage of our faith and to help believers express their faith in Yeshua as Messiah by returning to and keeping the Torah of Yeshua.